A New Team Member

We are pleased to welcome Callum Robinson as a new member of the Client Manager team. He will be coming on board as a Trainee Client Manager, to help deal with the ever-increasing workload at Foresight. Callum has previously worked in the Hospitality Industry as a Manager and therefore has a great understanding of customer…

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Professional Adviser Awards Finalists 2021

We are pleased to announce that Foresight is once again a Finalist in the Professional Adviser ‘Adviser of the Year Firm’ Awards 2021. These seek to reward excellence and are one of the most prestigious in the financial planning profession, with over 200 advisers, firms, and providers being considered for the 2021 awards. Foresight has…

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Investment Update – January 2021

Past experience has taught us that market environments that feature cheap financing, easy access to investments, the incentive to engage in speculative activity, and a technological or political “spark” tend to lead to bubbles. Bond prices are so elevated that a quarter of all global bonds are trading with negative interest rates.  Tesla now has…

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New ISA rules now allow for a …. CADI

The rules have now changed on how ISAs can be passed on to spouses and civil partners upon death. These rules now allow for a Continuing Account of a Deceased Investor (CADI), which improves the rules on Additional Permitted Subscriptions (APS).  The process of inheriting these assets is now simpler and more tax-efficient, meaning fewer…

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Don’t rely on your assets if things go wrong

“Asset rich, but cash poor” – it is a problem that many face in retirement.  But exactly what does it mean?  Assets are wealth that you own, whereas cash is money that can be spent without selling anything first.  The last part of that definition is crucial and the reason why many people suffer a decrease in their standard of living when moving…

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